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Biden OMB nominee to pledge bipartisan approach ahead of tough Senate confirmation hearing

President Joe Biden’s nominee to lead the Office of Management and Budget, Neera Tanden, will pledge to bring a bipartisan approach to the role during her confirmation hearing Tuesday as she faces down fierce opposition from Senate Republicans. In her prepared opening remarks before the Senate Homeland Security Committee, Tanden vows that, if confirmed, she

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When they spotted a familiar face at the Capitol riots, they reported it to authorities

When crowds of former President Donald Trump’s supporters stormed into the US Capitol weeks ago, hundreds of photos and videos emerged: clips of crowds chanting violent threats, selfies inside the building, photos of ransacked offices and broken windows. Americans watched in horror. Then, colleagues, friends and family members began pointing out the faces of people

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The 3 defenses of Donald Trump

Former President Donald Trump’s lawyers have explained how will they defend him in his second impeachment trial against the charge that he incited the violent insurrection at the Capitol on January 6. They make three arguments: that he cannot be tried because he is longer president; that his statements preceding the riot are protected by

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House Republicans who backed impeaching Trump have no regrets as Senate GOP reckons with former President’s role

They’ve faced sharp backlash from former President Donald Trump and his supporters and been censured by their state parties, all the while facing new threats of primary challenges from the right. But the House Republicans who voted to impeach him are showing no signs of backing down and are signaling they’d do it again, the

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Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg quarantining after security agent tests positive

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg will quarantine for 14 days after a member of his security detail tested positive for Covid-19, department chief of staff Laura Schiller said in a statement. Schiller’s statement says the agent has been in “close contact” with Buttigieg as recently as Monday morning. Buttigieg tested negative Monday and has not shown

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Trump tells aides he thinks he’ll be acquitted as he remains fixated on ‘accountability’ for GOP lawmakers who voted to impeach

Former President Donald Trump has been reaching out to aides and advisers to discuss his upcoming Senate impeachment trial, sources familiar with the conversations said, with one of those sources saying Trump thinks there won’t be enough Republican senators who’ll vote to convict him. Trump’s second impeachment trial is set to begin on Tuesday. The

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Fact check: How Trump’s lawyers twisted the facts in their anti-impeachment filing

In a new legal filing, lawyers for former President Donald Trump accused the House Democrats who are leading Trump’s impeachment trial of playing “shamefully fast and loose with the truth.” But at various points in their 75-page trial memorandum, Trump’s lawyers themselves twisted or omitted critical facts. The lawyers — Bruce L. Castor, Jr., David

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Leadership failures led to major Covid outbreak on aircraft carrier, watchdog report finds

The leadership of the USS Theodore Roosevelt failed to put in place measures to stop a coronavirus outbreak on board the aircraft carrier and exacerbated a growing problem by releasing sailors too early from quarantine, a Department of Defense inspector general investigation concluded. The report, consistent with a deeper investigation into the outbreak in which

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