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National Politics

Joe Biden confronts a leadership moment

An exhausted and impatient nation needs the kind of clarity and leadership only a president can provide as the coronavirus pandemic reaches a potentially decisive stage. President Joe Biden’s responsibilities go far beyond the $1.9 trillion Covid-19 rescue plan on the launchpad in Congress, a federal effort to swiftly accelerate vaccines and a push to

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Some of his followers are being sought by the FBI. It’s not stopping the leader of the Oath Keepers.

The FBI is investigating some of his followers. Others are already in custody and facing decades in prison if convicted of federal charges connected to the January 6 insurrection at the US Capitol. But the national leader of the extremist Oath Keepers group is carrying on as before. He might even be emboldened. “You gotta declare this regime to be

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The accountability era begins

Immediately following his impeachment acquittal, former President Donald Trump issued a statement saying his movement “has only just begun.” He is right about one thing: Something has only just begun, but it’s not another chapter of the conspiracies and lies to which Trump clings. The movement that just got kicked into high gear is an

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McConnell defends vote to acquit Trump: ‘Our job was to defend the Constitution and respect its limits’

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell on Monday rebuked Donald Trump‘s incitement of the January 6 insurrection at the US Capitol while doubling down on his vote to acquit the former President of the charge. “There is no question former President Trump bears moral responsibility,” McConnell wrote in an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal of

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These GOP lawmakers are facing backlash from state parties for not backing Trump

State Republican parties are taking action against GOP lawmakers who have reprimanded former President Donald Trump. Some of the senators and representatives who voted in favor of Trump’s impeachment or conviction have been or are facing censure from their state party, underscoring the hold Trump continues to have over the Republican base. Pennsylvania Sen. Pat

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