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National Politics

Biden administration says 2 million Covid vaccine doses have been delivered after winter storms delay shipments

The Biden administration has partially caught up on its delayed vaccine shipments, having delivered about 2 million of the 6 million doses backlogged by the deadly winter storms in Texas and other states, administration officials said Sunday. “We can’t control Mother Nature, no one can, but we can certainly contingency plan,” White House press secretary

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Biden’s polling is steadier than Trump’s

Poll of the week: A Quinnipiac University poll finds that President Joe Biden’s job approval rating stands at 52% to a disapproval rating of 38% among registered voters. Biden’s average approval rating is 55% and his average disapproval rating is 39%, which makes for an average net approval rating of +16 points. What’s the point:

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Lone Star state’s trouble comes in bunches

“O Gertrude, Gertrude,” King Claudius says to his wife in Act IV of Hamlet. “When sorrows come, they come not single spies. But in battalions.” A distraught Ophelia has just exited, leaving the royal couple worrying about her madness, the brooding of Gertrude’s son Hamlet and their own fates. Nearly a year ago, the Covid-19

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Garland to call Capitol riot ‘heinous attack’ and tell Senate Judiciary Committee he’ll supervise prosecution of White supremacists

Judge Merrick Garland, President Joe Biden’s nominee for attorney general, calls the January 6 attack on the US Capitol a “heinous attack” in his prepared opening statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee, which the Department of Justice released Saturday night ahead of his confirmation hearing on Monday. “If confirmed, I will supervise the prosecution of

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Trump to speak at CPAC in first public appearance since leaving White House

Former President Donald Trump will speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando, Florida, next Sunday, according to a source familiar with the matter. The source, who is familiar with the former President’s speech, told CNN on Saturday that “he’ll be talking about the future of the Republican Party and the conservative movement.” “Also

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What Biden’s future hinges on

When Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis ran for President against George H. W. Bush in 1988, he made competence one of his major campaign themes. Instead of claiming to be a visionary politician or a champion of liberalism, Dukakis highlighted his technocratic managerial expertise. “This election isn’t about ideology,” Dukakis argued, “It’s about competence. It’s not

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‘You did the unthinkable’: Ohio’s Anthony Gonzalez faces fury over impeachment vote

To Shannon Burns, the betrayal that local Republicans felt when Ohio State wide receiver-turned-Republican-congressman Anthony Gonzalez voted to impeach then-President Donald Trump was analogous to only one other disloyalty: Suiting up for Michigan. “This is like him playing for the Buckeyes again, getting down to the two-minute warning, running into the locker room, getting a

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Sanders says $15 minimum wage not ‘incidental’ to federal budget as its place in Covid relief bill questioned

Sen. Bernie Sanders argued Saturday that raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour isn’t “incidental” to the federal budget, despite skepticism from Capitol Hill and the White House of its future in President Joe Biden’s Covid-19 relief package. “I’m very proud of the strong arguments our legal team is making to the parliamentarian that

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