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National Politics

CPAC’s dangerous embrace of Trump

What happens when you incite an insurrection to prevent the congressional certification of the 2020 election results? Turns out you get invited to speak at a high-profile gathering of GOP elected officials and conservative activists. As outrageous as that appears, this is exactly what we’re seeing with the American Conservative Union’s invitation to Donald Trump

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Trump to speak at CPAC in first public appearance since leaving White House, while Pence declines invitation

Former President Donald Trump will speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando, Florida, next Sunday, according to a source familiar with the matter, while former Vice President Mike Pence declined an invitation to speak at the conference, two sources told CNN. One source said organizers still hope to change Pence’s mind about attending,

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National security adviser says White House has started to communicate with Iran over American hostages

The Biden administration has begun to communicate with Iran over American hostages in the region, national security adviser Jake Sullivan said Sunday, calling the issue a “significant priority” for the White House. “We intend to very directly communicate with the Iranians about the complete and utter outrage — the humanitarian catastrophe that is the unjust,

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