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National Politics

Several Republicans tell House they can’t attend votes due to ‘public health emergency.’ They’re slated to be at CPAC.

Several of former President Donald Trump’s closest Republican allies in the House have skipped Friday’s votes and enlisted their colleagues to vote on their behalf, signing letters saying they can’t attend “due to the ongoing public health emergency.” But those members are actually expected to be in Orlando and listed as speakers at the Conservative

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Democrats question Biden’s legal justification for Syria strike

Some Democrats in Congress criticized the Biden administration’s airstrike in Syria, questioning the administration’s legal justification in the latest fight between the executive and legislative branches over war powers. The strike on Thursday marked the US military’s first known action under President Joe Biden. His administration said the strike was in response to Iranian-backed militia

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DHS mandates state and local spending on domestic terrorism prevention

The Department of Homeland Security will require state and local grant recipients to spend funding on domestic violent extremism prevention efforts, the department announced Thursday. For the first time, the department designated combating domestic violent extremism as a “National Priority Area” for two of its Federal Emergency Management Agency grant programs. FEMA operates several grant

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Manhattan DA faces critical decisions in Trump investigation as his time in office runs low

At the helm of the most significant criminal investigation facing Donald Trump, his family and his business, Manhattan’s top prosecutor faces a daunting task heading into his final months in office while sifting through millions of newly obtained pages of financial records related to the former President. Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance is not expected

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Republican legislators around the country seek to strip governors and officials of emergency election powers

Republican legislators around the country are moving aggressively to strip governors and other officials of their power to change election rules — after states made it easier to vote last year during the coronavirus pandemic and turnout surged to record levels. The measures have been introduced in at least eight states with Republican-controlled legislatures —

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‘Captain of a ship in uncharted waters’: Inside Nancy Pelosi’s first months of the new Congress

On the cusp of passing President Joe Biden’s coronavirus relief bill, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi could move the legislation without a single Democratic defection. It’s a sign of Democrats’ willingness to back the President on his first big legislative push and a reflection of Pelosi’s firm hold on the caucus that may prove her most

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Trump returns and Republican 2024 prospects seek breakout moments at CPAC gathering

Republican politicians, media personalities and activists are gathering this weekend in Florida for the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, an event that could offer an early window into the party’s 2024 presidential contest while also amplifying false claims that the 2020 election was stolen. Former President Donald Trump will be the star of the show

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Proud Boys leader has no sympathy for lawmakers targeted by Capitol riot

The leader of the far-right Proud Boys group does not care that lawmakers were terrorized by rioters inside the US Capitol on January 6 as they tried to do their jobs. “I’m not gonna cry about people who don’t give a crap about their constituents. I’m not going to sympathize with them,” Enrique Tarrio says. More than a dozen people affiliated

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