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National Politics

Looking to 2024, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem gets caught in GOP culture war over transgender athletes

A major fault-line within the Republican coalition over transgender student athletes has opened up, and one potential White House hopeful, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, has found herself caught in the middle. After saying earlier this month she was “excited” to sign a bill preventing transgender ​students from competing in ​same-gender sports, Noem effectively killed

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Violations at ICE facility threatened the health and safety of detainees, watchdog report says

Detainees at an Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention center in Arizona filed hundreds of grievances about mistreatment, including use-of-force incidents, according to a watchdog report released Thursday, which concluded that violations threatened the health, safety and rights of those at the facility. During its inspection last year, the Department of Homeland Security inspector general found

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Bipartisan bill would provide $1 billion fund to handle migration influx at southern border

Key House lawmakers introduced bipartisan legislation Thursday that would address repeated funding and resource shortfalls that occur during large upswings in the number of migrants arriving at the US-Mexico border. The bill, introduced by Republican Rep. John Katko of New York and Democratic Rep. Henry Cuellar of Texas is designed to provide immediate resources when

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Biden administration launches $10 million ad campaign, leaders’ network to encourage vaccination

The Biden administration on Thursday unveiled a large-scale effort to encourage Americans to get vaccinated against the coronavirus, rolling out its first national ad campaign and announcing a national network of community organizations, sports leagues and other leaders to boost confidence in the vaccines. The Department of Health and Human Services is spending $10 million

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Two US Capitol Police officers sue Trump and say he should be held responsible for January 6 attack

Two US Capitol Police officers who say they were injured during the January 6 insurrection are suing former President Donald Trump for inciting the crowd. The officers — the first police to sue in court following the riot — say they suffered physical and emotional damages because Trump allegedly “inflamed, encouraged, incited (and) directed” the

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Biden’s new plan is an unfocused spending spree

On Wednesday, President Joe Biden announced his massive infrastructure plan — his latest effort to expand government influence over our economy, laying out a two-part spending spree that will grow our national debt, make us less competitive with other countries and likely lead to job losses among working-class Americans. It’s hard to see how this

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Justice Department charges Capitol rioter who allegedly tased and assaulted officer with flagpole

The Justice Department has charged a Capitol rioter who allegedly tased DC Metropolitan Police Officer Michael Fanone, who later spoke out about how he pleaded with the pro-Trump mob to spare his life. In court documents unsealed Wednesday, federal prosecutors said Daniel Rodriguez used an “electroshock weapon” and a flagpole to assault an officer named

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Justice Department charges Capitol rioter who allegedly tased and assaulted officer with flag pole

The Justice Department has charged a Capitol rioter who allegedly tased DC Metropolitan Police Officer Michael Fanone, who later spoke out about how he pleaded with the pro-Trump mob to spare his life. In court documents unsealed Wednesday, federal prosecutors said Daniel Rodriguez used an “electroshock weapon” and a flagpole to assault an officer named

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Biden officials urge states to ‘buckle down’ amid virus resurgence but avoid issuing federal guidance

Biden administration officials are increasingly urging governors and local officials to reinstate or avoid relaxing public health restrictions as coronavirus cases continue to rise and the US stares down the prospect of another surge. What they’re not doing is telling state and local officials which restrictions they should implement and when. Unlike its school guidelines

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