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National Politics

Health officials considered issuing a warning before deciding to recommend a pause of the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine

As health officials discussed how to handle reports of blood clots possibly linked to Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 vaccine, one option considered was issuing a warning to health care providers without recommending a full pause, multiple sources told CNN. But as officials discussed the best path forward during a Zoom call on April 12, they

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White House expands federal vaccine programs, taking more control of coronavirus vaccination efforts

The Biden administration has ramped up its role in distributing and administering coronavirus vaccines, boosting federal pipelines in recent months with more doses and more vaccination sites in preparation for mounting US supply and the next phase of the US vaccination campaign. As the US officially entered that phase on Monday — with every person

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Trump calls Afghanistan withdrawal ‘a wonderful and positive thing to do’ and criticizes Biden’s timeline

Former President Donald Trump on Sunday praised withdrawing US troops from Afghanistan, while knocking his successor’s timeline for doing so. Though the former President offered his support of President Joe Biden’s plans to bring home American troops, he urged his successor to draw an end to America’s longest war well before the September 11 deadline

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Washington Post: Trump-installed NSA lawyer resigns after being on administrative leave for three months

National Security Agency general counsel Michael Ellis, who was installed by Trump officials in the final days of the administration, resigned from his post on Friday after being on administrative leave since the start of the Biden administration, according to The Washington Post. “I have been on administrative leave for nearly three months without any

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Afghanistan withdrawal will likely dismantle a CIA intelligence network built up over 20 years

President Joe Biden’s planned withdrawal from Afghanistan includes an intense unraveling of the extensive intelligence and covert action network that the US has built there over the two decades since 9/11 as part of the global war on terror. The current plan includes the removal of the hundreds of special operations forces not publicly acknowledged

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