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National Politics

Biden team divided on vaccine patent waivers

Divisions within the Biden administration persist over whether to ease some patent restrictions on vaccines, according to people familiar with the matter, as the President nears a decision on loosening some intellectual property rules on pharmaceutical products, a move that could expand global vaccine supply. Officials said an announcement on the administration’s position could come

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Secret William Barr memo saying not to charge Trump must be released, judge says

A federal judge this week rejected the Justice Department’s attempts to keep secret a departmental opinion to not charge former President Donald Trump with obstruction at the end of the Mueller investigation, calling the administration’s lawyers “disingenuous.” The department had argued in court that the largely redacted March 2019 memo was legal reasoning that helped

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House Democrat introduces bill to release COINTELPRO files on surveillance of Black Panthers and Fred Hampton

A Democratic lawmaker on Tuesday introduced a bill that would require the government to release its decades-old records from an FBI-run covert surveillance program that monitored the Black Panthers, as well as civil rights and anti-war activists, among others. In addition to requiring the release of files from COINTELPRO, or the Counter-Intelligence Program, within six

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