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National Politics

Biden celebrates ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas

Watch President Biden’s remarks in full in the player below. President Joe Biden on Thursday touted the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas during a hastily arranged White House speech in response to the quick-moving developments in the Middle East. “We’ve held intensive high-level discussions, hour-by-hour, literally, (with) Egypt, the Palestinian Authority and other Middle Eastern

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Republicans have downplayed the US Capitol riot violence. The evidence paints a different picture.

Republican lawmakers have recently downplayed or outright denied the violence of the January 6 insurrection as a bipartisan agreement to investigate the siege is in limbo on Capitol Hill. But the mounting pile of evidence in the nearly 450 Capitol riot criminal proceedings — including hundreds of hours of videos, seized weapons, text messages and

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Biden administration to close two immigration detention centers that came under scrutiny

The Biden administration announced Thursday that it will stop detaining immigrants at two detention centers that came under investigation over allegations of inadequate medical care and poor conditions. It’s the latest move by the administration to address immigration detention following President Joe Biden’s executive order that called for a review of Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s

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Senators propose bipartisan Postal Service reform bill that could actually pass

A bipartisan group of senators introduced legislation on Wednesday that would reform the US Postal Service after the struggling agency made repeated requests to Congress to help its dire financial situation. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Gary Peters of Michigan and top committee Republican Rob Portman of Ohio introduced the measure, which

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Senators call on Biden administration to demand Saudi end blockade tactics on a starving Yemen

A group of Democratic senators are calling on President Joe Biden to take “immediate and decisive action” to end Saudi Arabia’s “blockade tactics” in Yemen that have prevented food, medicine and other crucial supplies from reaching desperate and starving people there. A Saudi failure to meet those demands should result in consequences, the senators wrote

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NRA head assures members organization remains ‘strong and secure’ following bankruptcy petition

National Rifle Association head Wayne LaPierre sent an encouraging email to approximately 5 million members Wednesday assuring them the organization remains “strong and secure” despite their recently dismissed petition for bankruptcy in Texas. LaPierre writes that although the “case for reorganization was dismissed,” the decision has no impact on staffing, programs or advocacy — nor

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