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National Politics

Wall Street Journal: Prosecutors subpoena material related to Gov. Cuomo’s pandemic leadership book

Federal prosecutors have subpoenaed material related to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s book about leadership during the Covid-19 pandemic, people familiar with the matter told The Wall Street Journal. As part of a broader probe into Covid-19 deaths in New York nursing homes, officials in the US Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New

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DOJ ends policy that prohibited federal officers from using body-worn cameras

The Justice Department will require federal agents to wear and activate cameras whenever encountering the public “during pre-planned law enforcement operations,” according to a memo issued by Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco. As a part of the Justice Department’s continued efforts to build trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve, Monaco reversed a

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Blinken says administration is ‘considering every option’ to assist Afghans who helped US but lawmakers are ‘frustrated’

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Monday that the Biden administration is looking “at every possible contingency” to help thousands of Afghans who may be at risk of retaliation from the Taliban after US forces withdraw but his answers left lawmakers and advocates frustrated. The top US diplomat told the House Foreign Affairs Committee that

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Classified report with early support for lab leak theory reemerges as focal point for lawmakers digging into Covid-19 origins

A classified report drafted last year warning that the CovId-19 pandemic might have leaked from a lab in Wuhan has reemerged as a focal point with lawmakers seeking to revive the search for answers. The report, which was issued by researchers at the government-backed Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in May 2020, found that it was

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Justice Department unveils two anti-gun violence proposals after another violent weekend

Attorney General Merrick Garland unveiled Monday two proposals meant to help curb gun violence, an announcement that comes after another violent weekend. The Justice Department proposed to clarify the restrictions on stabilizing braces that transform a pistol into a short-barreled rifle and can “cause great damage and are more likely to be used to commit

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