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Parson to head to Mexican border Wednesday

COLUMBIA, Mo. (KMIZ) Gov. Mike Parson will travel on Wednesday to the southern border with Mexico for an update on Missouri troopers and National Guardsmen deployed for Operation Lone Star, according to a Monday press release from the governor’s office. Parson will head to Eagle Pass, Texas, and sign a supplemental bill that will fund

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Social Security will not be able to pay full benefits in 2035 if Congress doesn’t act. Medicare has a little more time

By Tami Luhby, CNN (CNN) — Social Security and Medicare will not be able to fully pay benefits in just over a decade if lawmakers don’t act to address the pending shortfalls, according to reports released Monday by the entitlement programs’ trustees. While the trust funds’ finances improved slightly, they remain in dire shape. The

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DNC requests judges throw out RNC lawsuits in Michigan and Nevada, arguing they are aimed at sowing distrust in 2024 election

By MJ Lee and Fredreka Schouten, CNN (CNN) — The Democratic National Committee is requesting that judges in Michigan and Nevada throw out “dangerous” and “flawed” lawsuits, related to voter rolls and to mail-in ballots, that were launched by the Republican National Committee earlier this year. The DNC is warning that the lawsuits represent former

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Trump’s VP hopefuls make high-profile TV appearances as they audition to join his ticket following weekend fundraiser

CNN By Kit Maher and Greg Clary, CNN (CNN) — After spending time with their potential future boss at his Florida home over the weekend, many of Donald Trump’s vice presidential hopefuls hit the Sunday show circuit, repeating the former president’s doubts about election results and bashing President Joe Biden for his handling of campus

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Trump’s VP hopefuls make high-profile TV appearances as they audition to join his ticket following weekend fundraiser

By Kit Maher and Greg Clary, CNN (CNN) — After spending time with their potential future boss at his Florida home over the weekend, many of Donald Trump’s vice presidential hopefuls hit the Sunday show circuit, repeating the former president’s doubts about election results and bashing President Joe Biden for his handling of campus protests.

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