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Justice Department was unprepared for family separations but Jeff Sessions pushed it anyway, watchdog says

Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions knew early on migrant families would be separated when the Trump administration implemented its controversial “zero tolerance” policy and still proceeded to push for the policy, according to a scathing report from the Justice Department inspector general released Thursday. At one point, Sessions emphasized to US attorneys that “we need

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Impeachment fractured the GOP

Donald John Trump will be remembered as the only president in American history to be impeached on two separate occasions. He incited an insurrection that was in effect a frontal and physical assault on the constitutional order, the peaceful transfer of power, the vice president and the Congress itself. On top of an already shameful

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READ: Justice Department IG report on family separations

Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions knew early on migrant families would be separated when the Trump administration implemented its controversial “zero tolerance” policy and still proceeded to push for the policy, according to a scathing report from the Justice Department inspector general released Thursday. Read the report:

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New $300 weekly federal unemployment benefits start to reach Americans in need

Jobless Americans in many states are starting to see heftier unemployment checks, thanks to the $900 billion relief package Congress approved in late December. But many whose benefits ran out last year will have to wait for their payments to restart. And freelancers, independent contractors and certain people who can’t work because of coronavirus restrictions

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Biden to outline vaccination and economic rescue legislative package Thursday

President-elect Joe Biden on Thursday evening will outline a legislative package proposal for Congress to fund his incoming administration’s efforts to vaccinate the country against Covid-19 and provide immediate and direct economic relief to Americans, according to his transition team. The President-elect said earlier this week that his “number one priority” when he takes office

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Feds warn extremists may be emboldened to carry out additional attacks after Capitol insurrection

Federal law enforcement officials are warning that domestic extremists are likely more emboldened to carry out attacks on President-elect Joe Biden’s upcoming inauguration and throughout 2021 after seeing the success of last week’s siege on the US Capitol. The threat is further complicating an already monumental challenge facing law enforcement agencies tasked with securing Washington

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