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Biden transition finds culture of coronavirus denial throughout Trump’s federal government

Joe Biden’s transition team found a culture of coronavirus skepticism within Donald Trump’s federal government as they prepared to take office, sources close to the Biden transition told CNN, with political appointees loyal to the President reflecting his dismissiveness of public health guidelines and sometimes mocking career employees for wearing masks. The findings from Biden’s

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Biden announces Rachel Levine as pick for assistant secretary at HHS, would be first transgender Senate-confirmed federal official

President-elect Joe Biden has nominated Dr. Rachel Levine to serve as assistant health secretary, and she would make history as the first out, transgender federal official to be confirmed by the United States Senate, according to a statement Tuesday. Levine is currently the Pennsylvania health secretary and a pediatrics and psychiatry professor at Penn State

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Avril Haines, Biden’s DNI pick, pledges to keep politics out of intelligence after Trump’s wars with intelligence community

Avril Haines, President-elect Joe Biden’s nominee to be director of national intelligence, pledged Tuesday to turn the corner after President Donald Trump’s warring with the intelligence community. “To be effective, the DNI must never shy away from speaking truth to power — even, especially, when doing so may be inconvenient or difficult,” Haines said at

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Biden’s pick to lead State Department to emphasize new direction at confirmation hearing

President-elect Joe Biden’s pick to lead the State Department indicated to Congress Wednesday that he plans to emphatically redirect the trajectory of US foreign policy after four years of the Trump administration, rebuilding and reengaging alliances to confront transnational threats ranging from Russia and North Korea to climate change. Antony Blinken is one of several

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Capitol riot investigators narrow in on extremist groups and military-style coordination

They moved in an “organized and practiced fashion” as they pushed through crowds toward entrances to the US Capitol. On the inside, several maintained formation, putting their hands on each other’s shoulders to keep in lockstep. Some communicated over radios, while others gave directions with hand signals and voice calls. Members of militant groups that

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An apparent leader of Oath Keepers charged with planning and coordinating breach at US Capitol

Prosecutors have levied the first significant conspiracy charge against an apparent leader in the extremist Oath Keepers movement, alleging the Virginia man was involved in “planning and coordinating” the breach of the Capitol earlier this month, according to court documents. The Justice Department charged Thomas Caldwell, a 65-year-old from Virginia with a leadership role in

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Biden to implement new ethics rules banning ‘golden parachute’ bonuses for appointees

President-elect Joe Biden plans to impose a slew of new ethics restrictions on his incoming administration, a source familiar with the plan tells CNN, including barring his appointees from accepting “golden parachute” bonuses from their former employers when they join the government. The new ethics rules are also expected to attempt to slow the revolving

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