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Murkowski seeks White House’s ‘attention’ on Alaska’s economic concerns as she weighs Biden budget pick

Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski, who holds the key to President Joe Biden’s nominee for budget director, is pushing the White House about some of the new administration’s policies that have a direct impact on Alaska’s economy, namely on energy matters, according to the second-ranking Senate Republican leader. Murkowski has been sharply critical of some of

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Andrew Cuomo’s offensive ‘apology’

“Questions have been raised …” “I never intended … to offend …” “… I think I am being playful …” “… some of the things I have said have been misinterpreted …” “To the extent anyone felt that way, I am truly sorry about that.” If it weren’t already a well-known truism in Albany and

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Biden to announce that Merck will work with Johnson & Johnson to manufacture coronavirus vaccine

President Joe Biden is set to announce on Tuesday that drugmaker Merck will help manufacture a vaccine developed by Johnson & Johnson, administration officials familiar with the matter said, increasing production capacity as the third authorized shot begins going into arms. The arrangement between two competitors is unusual and underscores the urgency in manufacturing and

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‘We’re not keeping up’: Biden administration scrambles to house children crossing the US-Mexico border alone

The Biden administration is racing to find space for the growing number of families and unaccompanied children crossing the US-Mexico border alone, which may include opening more temporary facilities and providing federal funding for Covid-19 testing. “We’re apprehending more kids than we can release,” a senior Homeland Security official told CNN. “There’s a lot of

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Bill Frist Fast Facts

Here is a look at the life of Bill Frist, heart and lung transplant surgeon and former Senate majority leader. Personal Birth date: February 22, 1952 Birth place: Nashville, Tennessee Birth name: William Harrison Frist Father: Thomas Frist Sr., physician Mother: Dorothy (Cate) Frist Marriages: Tracy (Roberts) Frist (2015-present); Karyn (McLaughlin) Frist (1981-December 2012, divorced)

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Biden administration sanctions senior Russian officials over Navalny poisoning and imprisonment

The Biden administration has imposed sanctions on seven Russian officials in response to the poisoning and imprisonment of opposition leader Alexey Navalny. It was among a series of steps the new administration announced Tuesday in its first significant move against Moscow since Joe Biden became President. Senior administration officials stressed that the action was being

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‘This is the year to get it done’: Democrats move on expanding background checks

Democrats are reintroducing legislation to expand background checks on all commercial gun sales, the first congressional move on significant gun control since Democrats won the White House and the majority in both chambers of Congress. The bill, called the Background Check Expansion Act, would expand background checks for all firearm sales or transfers in the

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