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Mid-Missouri Congressional delegates react to president’s executive order

So far, two Congressional representatives have praised President Donald Trump’s executive order to end the separation of families at the United States and Mexican border. Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler said she’s hoping the legislature can fix the problem so that it’s “just and fair.” Here is her full statement: “I’m pleased that President Trump has addressed

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Eldon police accuse man of assault

Eldon police arrested a man on suspicion of first-degree assault today. The department accuses Enoch “Spike” Gill of assaulting someone at J&M’s Magic Razor in Eldon, a news release said. Police went to the business after hearing reports of an assault and found one injured person. Crews took the victim to a local hospital, the

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Judge says Howard County coroner violated sunshine law in suit over inquest into teen’s death

Howard County Judge Scott Hayes has issued a partial summary judgment in the lawsuit between the Howard County Coroner’s office and the Glasgow School District. The judgment says the Howard County Coroner “wrongfully denied access to open public records” that the Glasgow School District requested under Missouri’s sunshine law. The judgment also says the coroner

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