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Valentine’s Day Fast Facts

Here’s some background information about Valentine’s Day, celebrated every February 14. Facts There are several different theories about the origins of Valentine’s Day. The ancient Romans held the festival of Lupercalia on February 15 to protect themselves from wolves. Men struck people with strips of animal hide; women believed that this made them more fertile.

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Iraq Fast Facts

Here’s a look at the country of Iraq which borders Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Turkey, Iran and the Persian Gulf. About Iraq (from the CIA World Factbook)Area: 438,317 sq km Population: 39,650,145 (2021 est.) Median age: 21.2 years (2020 est.) Capital: Baghdad Ethnic Groups: Arab 75%-80%, Kurdish 15%-20% or other 5% (1987 est.) Religion:

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India cuts internet around New Delhi as protesting farmers clash with police

Internet access remained blocked Monday in several districts of a state bordering India’s capital following violent weekend clashes between police and farmers protesting controversial agricultural reforms. Online access would be suspended in at least 14 of 22 districts in Haryana state near New Delhi, until 5 p.m. Monday, according to the Department of Information and

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