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Twitter permanently bans Project Veritas account

Twitter permanently banned an account on Thursday belonging to Project Veritas, a conservative group founded by controversial activist James O’Keefe. The decision followed what a Twitter spokesperson described to CNN Business as repeated violations of the platform’s policies prohibiting sharing — or threats of sharing — other people’s private information without consent. Twitter declined to

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‘He would be alive today’: Parents detail son’s desperate attempts to contact Robinhood before he killed himself

After their son’s death, Dan and Dorothy Kearns said they were horrified to learn that their panicked 20-year-old repeatedly tried and failed to get in touch with Robinhood about his negative account balance of $730,000. College student Alex Kearns mistakenly believed he owed that staggering sum of money and took his own life last June

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Bitcoin’s big moment: Mastercard jumps on the bandwagon

Mastercard is bringing bitcoin to the checkout counter. The company announced late Wednesday that it will support “select cryptocurrencies” directly on its network at some point later this year. “Our philosophy on cryptocurrencies is straightforward: It’s about choice,” Raj Dhamodharan, an executive vice president at Mastercard, wrote in a post late Wednesday. “Mastercard isn’t here

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