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No alcohol and no checked guns: Airlines tighten security for Inauguration Day

Airlines and the Transportation Security Administration are stepping up security for flights to and from Washington, DC, amid threats of additional violence. The FBI has received information indicating “armed protests” have been planned at all 50 state capitols and the US Capitol in Washington in the days leading up to President-elect Joe Biden’s January 20

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Lawmakers ask travel companies to step up security ahead of inauguration

US lawmakers are asking for help from travel companies including bus operators, car rental companies and hotels to prevent an attack on the inauguration and investigate last week’s Capitol insurrection. Washington, DC, and states across the country are heightening security and preparing reinforcements this week ahead of potential armed protests from Saturday until at least

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JPMorgan Chase just reported a record quarterly profit. But its CEO is still nervous

The economy may not have fully recovered yet, but that’s no problem for America’s biggest bank. JPMorgan Chase reported a record profit of $12.1 billion for the fourth quarter Friday — easily topping Wall Street’s forecasts. But JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon still sounded a bit nervous about the near-term economic outlook, citing the lingering

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Marvel’s ‘WandaVision’ looks to make Disney+ even mightier

“WandaVision,” Marvel Studios’ first original series for Disney+, hits streaming this weekend. That’s excellent news for Disney+, considering that Marvel is the company’s mightiest brand. And it’s bad news for Disney’s rivals, since the new service has notched 86 million subscribers, even without an exclusive original series from Hollywood’s biggest blockbuster franchise. Sure, Disney+ has

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Xiaomi and other Chinese companies slapped with US restrictions as Trump’s term winds down

The Trump administration is inflicting even more damage on Chinese businesses — including smartphone maker Xiaomi — with just days to go before President-elect Joe Biden takes office. The US Defense Department on Thursday added nine Chinese firms, including Xiaomi, to a list of companies the agency claims are owned or controlled by China’s military.

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TikTok launches incubator for Black creators

TikTok is launching an incubator program to support 100 Black creators, a strategy to attract audiences that’s become popular with other social media sites. The incubator announced Wednesday, called “TikTok for Black Creatives,” is designed to invest in emerging Black creators and musical artists on the video platform. Participants in the three-month program will take

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Seth Rich conspiracy theorists retract and apologize for false statements as they settle lawsuit

A businessman and a fringe internet activist who each played key roles in the conspiracy theory about Seth Rich, the slain Democratic National Committee staffer whose death was used by right-wing activists as a vehicle to help exonerate Russia from its 2016 election meddling, retracted and apologized for their statements this week. “I take full

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Capitol riot denialism is already here

Law enforcement agencies are rounding up suspected rioters, combing through social media evidence, and uncovering the true depth of the plot to overtake the Capitol and stop the certification of Joe Biden’s election. The story is getting bigger every day. But there is also a concerted effort underway, all across the pro-Trump media landscape, to

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