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US officials promised 20 million vaccinated against coronavirus by the end of the year. It’s going slower than that

While the coronavirus pandemic continued to surge throughout the summer and fall, federal government officials repeatedly offered a ray of hope: enough vaccine doses to vaccinate 20 million Americans by the end of December. But after the first week of vaccine distribution and with only nine days left to meet their self-imposed deadline, Operation Warp

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Covid-19 hospitalizations this past week were higher than ever. Now doctors predict another onslaught of patients

More people traveled through US airports on Sunday than any other day this pandemic, setting the stage for waves of new infections across the country. Over 1.28 million people passed through security checkpoints, the Transportation Security Administration said. At the same time, more Americans were hospitalized this past week than any other week of the

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In 6 states, more people are hospitalized with Covid-19 than ever before. Now doctors predict another onslaught of patients

More people traveled through US airports Sunday than any other day this pandemic, setting the stage for waves of new infections across the country. Over 1.28 million people passed through security checkpoints Sunday, the Transportation Security Administration said. At the same time, more Americans were hospitalized this past week than any other week of the

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December is the deadliest month in the US since the coronavirus pandemic began — and projections for January are ‘nightmarish,’ expert says

December has been the nation’s deadliest month since the Covid-19 pandemic’s start — with more than 63,000 Americans lost to the virus in the past 26 days. In comparison, the entire month of November saw about 36,964 deaths. The death toll comes on the heels of several brutal months, with Covid-19 ravaging communities from coast

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Young adults who vape cannabis are more likely to experience cough, bronchitis and wheezing, study finds

The associations between vaping cannabis and respiratory health symptoms haven’t been fully known before — but one new study has revealed a key discovery. The study, which published Tuesday in the journal JAMA Network Open, found that vaping cannabis at any frequency was linked with symptoms of bronchitis and wheezing in young adults around 19

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3,401 Covid-19 deaths were reported in just 1 day — likely fueled by Thanksgiving gatherings and travel

Thousands more families just lost a loved one this holiday season as the US reported its second-highest number of coronavirus deaths in one day — 3,401 on Tuesday, according to Johns Hopkins University. And in nine states, more people are hospitalized with Covid-19 than at any other point in this pandemic: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California,

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