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States look for more Covid-19 vaccine doses as the nation’s death toll nears 400,000

States are racing to get Covid-19 vaccine supplies and distribution in order as the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned Friday of more contagious variants of coronavirus potentially exacerbating the spread. CDC officials implored Americans to continue with preventative measures against the coronavirus, while highlighting the variant first identified in Britain known as

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How some states are administering Covid-19 vaccines at twice the speed of others

One month after the first dose was administered in the United States, Covid-19 vaccinations lag far behind early promises from the federal government. Yet, despite reports of technology hiccups, changes to allocated supply and other logistical hurdles, some states have risen as clear leaders in efficient Covid-19 vaccination efforts. More than 31 million Covid-19 vaccine

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No plans to test most National Guard for Covid-19 before they deploy across DC

The overwhelming majority of the more than 20,000 National Guard members expected in Washington for President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration will not be tested for coronavirus before they are deployed from states around the country or upon their arrival in the nation’s capital, a National Guard spokesperson tells CNN. The Pentagon has authorized up to 25,000

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States adding Covid-19 vaccination sites, but governors complain the feds need to give them more doses

States are ramping up their Covid-19 vaccination programs so more people can be protected against the virus, but some governors are confused and angry because they don’t know how much vaccine the federal government will send them. Though the Trump administration announced this week that it would release all available Covid-19 vaccine doses instead of

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States speed up Covid-19 vaccinations, but governors complain the feds need to give them more doses

States are ramping up their Covid-19 vaccination programs so more people can be protected against the virus, but some governors are confused and angry because they don’t know how much vaccine the federal government will send them. Though the Trump administration announced this week that it would release all available Covid-19 vaccine doses instead of

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