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Pay attention to the propaganda, and other ways to cover an attempted coup in America

A version of this article first appeared in the “Reliable Sources” newsletter. You can sign up for free right here. Sunday showed how. With President Trump’s anti-democratic conduct front and center, reporters and anchors used blunt language; challenged complicit politicians; and relied on primary source material, including Trump’s own words from his damning call with

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Saying goodbye to a wild year for stocks

We’re hoping to shelve the word ‘unprecedented’ for a while as 2021 gets underway — but first, one final look at a 2020. The Dow and the S&P 500 ended the year at record highs and the Nasdaq Composite logged its best performance since 2009 with a whopping 43.6% jump. Overall, the indexes registered gains

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Tesla hit half-million car target in 2020

Tesla hit its goal of building a half-million cars in 2020, a first for the company, it reported Saturday. The completed deliveries to customers, which is slightly different from the production figure, fell just short of that same goal as it delivered 499,550 cars. That sales total rounds up to the 500,000 target, though. The

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Bitcoin soars past $33,000, its highest ever

Bitcoin has been flirting with the $30,000 mark for weeks, and finally passed that record-setting level Saturday. The virtual currency is now valued at above $33,000, an all-time high. Bitcoin has tripled in value during 2020, growing steadily even as the stock market plunged in the early days of the pandemic. Investors have been drawn

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Microsoft says hackers viewed its source code

Microsoft said Thursday that the suspected Russian hackers behind a massive US government security breach also viewed some of the company’s source code. The unauthorized access does not appear to have compromised any Microsoft services or customer data, the company said in a blog post. But an investigation showed that the attackers took advantage of

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