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What to expect at work this year

By Jeanne Sahadi, CNN The pandemic has transformed work over the past three years in ways few expected. It normalized remote work, created a shortage of critical workers and drove home to organizations that employees’ mental health and need for a sane work-life balance are critical to retention and engagement. So what does 2023 likely

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NBC News president Noah Oppenheim exits, replaced by new head of editorial and two others in network shakeup

By Oliver Darcy, CNN Business NBC News president Noah Oppenheim will exit the network as part of a restructuring announced Wednesday that will replace his role with three executives, including Rebecca Blumenstein, a deputy managing editor of The New York Times. Blumenstein, who has a lengthy history working in print and digital, but notably lacks

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Global experts worry simultaneous crises could become the new norm

By Julia Horowitz, CNN Business executives, politicians and academics are bracing for a gloomy world battered by intersecting crises, as rising volatility and depleted resilience boost the odds of painful simultaneous shocks. In its annual survey of risks published Wednesday, the World Economic Forum found that more than 80% of respondents expected either “persistent crises”

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