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Fed up with facial recognition cameras monitoring your every move? Italian fashion may have the answer

By Elliott Gotkine, CNN The red-headed man wearing what looks like the ultimate Christmas sweater walks up to the camera. A yellow quadrant surrounds him. Facial recognition software immediately identifies the man as … a giraffe? This case of mistaken identity is no accident — it’s literally by design. The sweater is part of the

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Twitter’s laid-off workers cannot pursue claims via class-action lawsuit, judge says

Reuters Twitter has secured a ruling allowing the social media company to force several laid-off workers suing over their termination to pursue their claims via individual arbitration rather than a class-action lawsuit. US District Judge James Donato on Friday ruled that five former Twitter employees pursuing a proposed class action accusing the company of failing

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How WWE’s Vince McMahon ruthlessly got his job back despite allegations of sexual assault and misuse of company funds

By Kyle Feldscher, CNN Professional wrestling is known for its outlandish, dramatic stories that have captivated generations. It’s an athletic soap opera built on emotional drama with wrestlers sometimes scheming in the background for months only to make their move at the opportune moment, drawing crazed reactions from arenas packed with fans who have followed

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