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‘Hamilton’ team responds to Texas church’s unauthorized performance

By Scottie Andrew and Sandra Gonzalez, CNN A Texas church performed “Hamilton” this weekend, but the team behind the Tony-award winning production says it shouldn’t have happened. “‘Hamilton’ does not grant amateur or professional licenses for any stage productions and did not grant one to The Door Church,” Shane Marshall Brown, a spokesperson for “Hamilton,”

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Hunters are swarming the Florida Everglades for the annual python challenge. The state says it’s vital to save the ecosystem

By Sara Smart, CNN Deer, raccoons, possums and fox once flocked the area of the Everglades National Park in south Florida. Nowadays, you’re lucky if you spot one mammal in the area, according to wildlife experts. Who’s to blame for this decline in wildlife? The invasive species known as Burmese pythons. To help combat this

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Covid lockdown strands 80,000 tourists in ‘China’s Hawaii’

By Simone McCarthy and CNN’s Beijing bureau Around 80,000 tourists are stranded in the popular resort city of Sanya on China’s tropical Hainan island after authorities announced lockdown measures to stem an outbreak of Covid-19. Public transportation was suspended and people’s movements inside the city were restricted from early Saturday morning, authorities said. Stranded tourists

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