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Gibraltar Airport sits on disputed territory.

The airports that cross international borders

By Miquel Ros, CNN Those braving international travel in the Covid era are faced with navigating an ever-shifting maze of rules and restrictions. If you want to avoid getting stranded for two weeks, you’d better check your documents are in order before crossing any international border. Even more so if your destination is one of

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A large potato sits on a toy truck at Donna and Colin Craig-Browns home.

Is this the world’s heaviest potato? New Zealand couple accidentally grow a titanic tuber

By Jeevan Ravindran, CNN A couple in New Zealand may have grown the world’s largest potato without even trying. Colin and Donna Craig-Brown, from Ngāhinapōuri in the country’s Waikato region, found the tuber growing in their garden when they were getting ready for the spring planting season. “It was literally one of nature’s pleasant surprises,”

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