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In deciding on anti-gay law, Ghana’s president is caught between a rock and a hard place

Analysis by David McKenzie, CNN (CNN) — Sam George, the driving force behind Ghana’s harsh anti-LGBTQ legislation, portrays himself as a guardian of gay Ghanaians. “I have put in legislation that protects the rights of gay people from being verbally and physically assaulted,” he said in an interview with CNN from Accra. But despite his claims, the

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Opinion: Intelligence briefings for Trump are risky – but so is denial of briefings

Opinion by Frederick D. Baron and Dennis Aftergut (CNN) — With Donald Trump garnering enough primary wins to clinch the Republican presidential nomination on Tuesday night, President Joe Biden has apparently opted to remain above politics on national security matters by giving Trump access to some classified intelligence. The White House reportedly plans to follow tradition and authorize national security briefings

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Opinion: What Hunter Biden and Donald Trump have in common

Opinion by Andrey Spektor (CNN) — Hunter Biden won’t be returning to the spotlight next week as the House Oversight Committee had hoped. He declined Chairman James Comer’s invitation to publicly testify following a February closed-door Capitol Hill deposition before congressional Republicans as part of their impeachment inquiry into Hunter’s father, President Joe Biden. Hunter Biden’s refusal to take part in the committee’s “circus

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Opinion: Kristen Stewart’s portrayal of queerness and family is a sharp reminder

Opinion by Noah Berlatsky (CNN) — The biggest threat to queer kids is too often their own homophobic parents. Both pop culture and political discourse acknowledge this and at the same time, nervously avoid it. It’s treated as a shameful open secret, not unlike the closet itself. Rose Glass’ “Love Lies Bleeding” wrestles with issues of queerness and parental cruelty with unusual and admirable

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Opinion: This candidate for governor may just out-MAGA Trump. But can he win in November?

Opinion by Douglas Heye (CNN) — I’ve seen plenty of gritty election campaigns in my home state of North Carolina going back to the famously combative 1984 race between conservative Sen. Jesse Helms and his Democratic challenger Jim Hunt. This year’s governor’s race — between North Carolina’s Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson and his Democratic opponent, Attorney General Josh

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Journalism could use a smart show about reporting. ‘The Girls on the Bus’ isn’t it

Analysis by Brian Lowry, CNN (CNN) — Journalists have endured a seemingly endless parade of bad news of late, with layoffs and closings announced on a near-daily basis as venerable outlets and digital start-ups face harsh economic realities. The profession could use an image boost, in the way “All the President’s Men” highlighted reporting’s noblest

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Opinion: Precious samples from Mars have been collected. Now it’s up to Congress to get them back

Opinion by Jonathan I. Lunine (CNN) — How tenuous is our planet’s ability to support life? The answer might come from one of our nearest planetary neighbors. Orbiting spacecraft and rovers deployed on Mars over the past twenty years have found strong evidence for conditions billions of years ago that were very different from the dry, cold

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