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Why this is a wild week for Trump even by his standards

CNN Analysis by Stephen Collinson, CNN (CNN) — Donald Trump’s tumultuous life has been rocked by bankruptcies, personal scandals, impeachments and election wins and losses, but nothing quite compares to the personal and financial crisis facing the once-and-possibly future president this week. Trump is struggling to post a bond worth around half a billion dollars

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Opinion: Trump’s image is on the line

Opinion by Richard Galant, CNN (CNN) — In Charles Dickens’ 1850 novel “David Copperfield,” the perpetually indebted Mr. Micawber notes that all he can offer his young lodger is this advice: “Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen nineteen six, result happiness.” By contrast, “Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six,

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Opinion: Putin’s glaring mistake

Opinion by Peter Bergen, CNN (CNN) — If ISIS was indeed responsible for the attack Friday at a Moscow-area concert venue that killed at least 133 people, it would suggest that, unfortunately, the terror group is making something of a comeback. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack; a US official told CNN the US has no reason to

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Russia’s security services knew of ISIS threat before concert attack, new evidence from investigative body suggests

CNN By Matthew Chance and Chris Lau, CNN (CNN) — The Kremlin’s security services were aware of an ISIS threat days before a deadly attack on a concert hall near Moscow, Russian intelligence documents obtained by a UK-based investigative organization suggest. According to the London-based Dossier Center, the documents showed ethnic Tajiks radicalized by ISIS-K – the Central Asian offshoot

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