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Opinion: Washington is quickly hurtling toward a debt crisis

Opinion by Brian Riedl (CNN) — On Monday, Moody’s announced that a government shutdown would threaten Washington’s AAA credit rating. Both Fitch and Standard and Poor’s have already downgraded Washington’s credit rating based on past fiscal recklessness. Downgrading a bond signals to investors that the bond issuer is more likely to eventually default, which typically leads investors to demand a higher interest rate

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Opinion: It’s outrageous that Congress would be paid in a shutdown while most federal workers wouldn’t

Opinion by Rob Rosenthal (CNN) — It’s clear to everyone that a government shutdown would mean massive disruption to the country and considerable hardship for both federal employees and those who rely on one or another government service — meaning virtually everyone in the country. Transportation would be disrupted, particularly at airports where air traffic controllers

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Opinion: The ultimate in helicopter parenting

Opinion by Joelle Renstrom (CNN) — Last week, The Wall Street Journal reported on concierge services emerging on college campuses around the US. These services combine the services of a hotel front desk with the infantilizing touches of a helicopter parent. These so-called “rent-a-moms” — there to help students with everything from laundry to wake-up-calls — may exist to help

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Who could lead the United Nations next? This Caribbean climate leader makes diplomats ‘jump’ with excitement

Analysis by Stephanie Fillion United Nations (CNN) — Asked last week if she will run to become the United Nations’ next Secretary General, Prime Minister Mia Mottley of Barbados gave a thumbs up, smiled, and walked away. Unofficially, however, UN insiders say she’s a likely front-runner. The 2026 selection process is still far off, but

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