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UN calls on Belarus to investigate torture and death of politicial prisoners

By YURAS KARMANAU Associated Press TALLINN, Estonia (AP) — United Nations special representatives on human rights have called on Belarusian authorities to investigate the torture and deaths of political prisoners. A report produced by the UN special rapporteur for Belarus says five people who have died in custody in Belarus were convicted on politically motivated

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Russian warships will arrive in Havana next week, say Cuban officials citing ‘friendly relations’

HAVANA (AP) — Four Russian ships, including a nuclear-powered submarine, will arrive in Havana next week, Cuban officials said Thursday, citing “historically friendly relations” between both nations and as tensions escalate over Western military support for Ukraine in its war with Russia. Cuba’s foreign ministry said in a news release that the ships will be

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Kentucky Democratic governor pushes back against Trump-led attacks on electric vehicles

By BRUCE SCHREINER Associated Press FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — Electric vehicles have built up enough momentum from job growth and investments to steer past any roadblocks from Donald Trump and other critics, Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear said Thursday. The Democratic governor said the thousands of EV-related jobs springing up across the country, including in rural

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US imposes travel bans on Georgian officials over new law that critics say will curb media freedom

By MATTHEW LEE AP Diplomatic Writer WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden administration is imposing sanctions on dozens of Georgian officials and law enforcement authorities. The move Thursday comes in response to the enactment of a law that drew weeks weeks of protests by critics who say it’ll curb media freedom and jeopardize the country’s chances

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US antitrust enforcers will investigate leading AI companies Microsoft, Nvidia and OpenAI

By MATT O’BRIEN AP Technology Writer U.S. antitrust enforcers have decided to investigate the roles Microsoft, Nvidia and OpenAI have played in the artificial intelligence boom, according to people familiar with the pending actions. The Department of Justice will launch an investigation of chipmaker Nvidia, while the Federal Trade Commission will scrutinize close business partners

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