44th House District: Maren Bell Jones
Party: Democratic
Age: 36
Place of residence: Columbia
Occupation: Veterinarian
Education: University of Missouri, doctorate in veterinary medicine, masters in biology, bachelors in biology and religious studies
Political experience: First-time candidate
Opponent: Rep. Cheri Reisch
Recent state income tax cuts have been hailed by some as an economic jumpstart and derided by others as taking money that’s needed for social services and education. What is your opinion?
The middle and working class need tax cuts, but the wealthy 1% do not. If a millionaire or billionaire does not get a tax cut, they might not be able to buy their third vacation house or second boat. But for working families, that may mean that they can’t afford their doctor’s visits or have subpar public education. It shows where our priorities go if multi-millionaires and billionaires get tax cuts but working people die because they cannot afford their medication.
Voters will decide Nov. 6 whether to raise Missouri’s gas tax. Do you support raising the tax
Yes, we need money for our roads and bridges very badly. However, I would like to see the majority appropriated towards transportation expenses in lieu of the highway patrol.
Voters will also decide on whether to approve any of three medical marijuana proposals. What are your thoughts on the issue?
I will be voting for Amendment 2 as it appears to be the best option.
What other key issues do you see facing the state?
Education and healthcare are the two biggest issues. We need truly fully funded education, not just a revised formula to say we are fully funded when schools have to close and consolidate to four days a week and teachers have to beg for Kleenex and magic markers. We must expand Medicaid and move towards Medicare for All.