Lincoln University prepares for homecoming weekend
Two days before Lincoln University’s homecoming weekend in Jefferson City, we
checked in with university officials to see how the school is preparing.
On Friday night, traffic is expected to pick up as thousands of people arrive for the weekend in the capital city.
Lincoln officials said traffic in and around the university is expected to be pretty heavy.
University spokeswoman Misty Young said extra police would be on hand for homecoming events.
“We have our Lincoln University Police who will be assisting mainly here on campus. Then of course if there is any need, we will use our local law enforcement as needed. They’re on call for some of our larger events, and for those larger events they will actually have a presence on campus.”
Festivities kick off at 8:00 on Saturday morning, with the parade at 9:30 and the football game at 2:00 p.m.