Decreasing temperatures, less daylight in September
September usually starts off with warm temperatures with the average 30 year high on the first of the month at 84. We will lose an hour and 12 minutes of daylight this month with sunset by the 30th at 6:53 p.m.
Temperatures cool quite a bit by the end of the month with an average low of 50 and a mild average high of 73. 30 years of data shows an average of 3.87″ rain in September.
In the past 5 years our average monthly temperature in September came in below average only once while the other years were we near or above average. September 2011 came in with an average monthly temperature of only 64.2 degrees which is 3.4 degrees below average. However, just two years later, September 2013 was warm with an average monthly temperature of 71.2 degrees which is 3.6 degrees warmer than average.
2010 and 2014 came in wet with nearly 7 inches of rain in 2010 and just over 6 inches in 2014.