Salvation Army warns of red bucket scams
The Salvation Army is sending an alert for Mid-Missourians to be on the lookout for scammers wanting to steal your holiday donations. The Salvation Army said its annual red bucket campaign brings in a large percentage of its money for the entire year. So, they hope everyone drops in some cash or change when they walk by, however, the organization said to be aware of thieves posing as volunteers with red buckets.
Salvation Army administrators said the organization will never go door to door with a red bucket for donations. Volunteers for The Salvation Army will always have on badges to identify themselves and signage showing who they are. Administrators said if something seems suspicious to call The Salvation Army office. “This time of the year people do have a desire to reach out and help and touch the lives of others and we always try to caution people to be very, very careful in their giving,” said Richard Trimmell, Major for The Salvation Army.
Salvation Army administrators also said the organization will never call asking for donations. “People work hard for their money and we want to make sure that if they are contributing to our programs that that’s where it’s going,” said Trimmell.
Jefferson City bell ringers started collecting donations Friday. Bell ringers will be in Columbia next weekend and they’ll stay out collecting donations until Christmas Eve.