Cole Commission meets over EMS expansion
Presiding Cole Co. Commissioner Marc Ellinger said they have been saving money for EMS renovations for a long time.
Ellinger added the Commission did not want to go into debt paying for the much needed upgrade of the EMS building in Jefferson City.
He also said the living quarters needed to be upgraded.
“When we took over the facility right off the bat we recognized we had to do something about it,” said Ellinger.
He said the upgrades include the ambulances and all of the equipment.
Paramedics who work 24-hour shifts at the location on Southridge Drive said this will make their workplace more efficient.
Now that they aren’t in such close living quarters they can be more effective at work, as well.
They explain the new dispatch center will make for easier communication between them and the callers.
“This is the final kind of inspection. We’re making sure the work is all done, it’s all done to our approval and then assuring everything is fine,” said Ellinger.
The project was $1.2 million and contractors were given 90 days to complete it.
The commissioners did not approve the work today due to paperwork not being ready.
They will officially approve the project next Wednesday.