Shelters See an Increase
As tough economic times plague Missouri, the Salvation Army says they will continue to provide as many cots and good as they can.”Because the economy is not good at this point, we are seeing so many more people, who have become homeless due to a loss of job, loss of income,” said Cyndy Chapman the Regional Director of the Salvation Army. “We’re seeing an increase numbers of people coming to us for shelter, especially in this colder weather, you just cannot survive outside.”Harbor House is one of the only places in Columbia that houses single women, men, and even children. All six units that they have are full and there is at least one child in each of those units according to the non-profit organization.While families get to stick together they can no longer brave the cold temperatures. That means more people are flooding to shelters for help.For anyone stuck in the elements, experts say it’s important to stay warm, by wearing hats and gloves and trying to get indoors. The Harbor House says regardless of the lack of cots, they willl feed everyone who walks in their doors.Homeless shelters in Jefferson City and Fulton are also seeing an influx of people come into the shelters as they try to brave the cold.