How to stay safe when waters rise
To close off the National Weather Service’s Severe Weather Preparedness Week, we’re talking about how to stay safe in flooding situations.
Mid-Missouri may not have beaches or breezy ocean scenes, but boy do we have rivers! While rivers are great for fishing and boating, they also are dangerous when they reach flood status.
It’s not uncommon that we see flooding during the year, especially in the spring. As we gear up for rain chances beginning next week, it’s time to prepare for what you will need to do to protect yourself from rushing water.
First off, always be aware of where flooding typically occurs...Low lying areas and roads will be the first to flood. If you come across water, turn around as it only takes a few inches of water to knock you off your feet and it takes a foot of rushing water to sweep your car away.
If you live in an area prone to flooding, have a go bag packed with food that won’t spoil and with bottled water and first aid kits. In the event that you have to come back to a home that has had water inside, be aware that snakes and other wildlife may be inside. No matter what type of severe weather may impact you and your home, it’s always a great idea to have photos of each room in your home so that you can fill out insurance claims.