How much rain will it take to get out of drought conditions
Gov. Mike Parson signed an executive order on Tuesday that declared a drought alert for the state.
This drought alert is in effect until March 31, 2025 as long standing issues could arise.
The current drought monitor has shown an increase in extreme drought across southwestern portions of the state while severe drought has creeped to the northeast entering Cole county.
Conditions this past month have continued to worsen as much of Mid-Missouri has seen around 2" below where we should be. The largest deficit exists in southwestern portion sof Mid-Missouri.
The past year has shown healthier rainfall totals across large portions of Osage, Gasconade, and Montgomery counties, while Monroe counties and nearby areas have been well-below average.
The next five days shows hope in terms of rainfall forecast as some areas could see over 2" of rainfall through multiple cold fronts helping to possibly provide drought relief to the hardest hit areas of drought.
It takes more than just one week of rainfall to successfully fight long standing drought as the ground slowly works to absorb the moisture.
The extended precipitation outlook offers more hope as wetter than average conditions are expected throughout the 6-10 day time period.