Insider Blog: Getting prepared for winter weather
Winter weather preparedness week is wrapping up and we have tips to prepare for the upcoming season and the best ways to receive information. As you're pulling out the heavy layers to get the wardrobe ready, be sure to prep the rest of your house for the wintertime. As always seal up drafty areas; keeping curtains around window rims can keep cold air out and the warmer air inside. Keeping the bottom of doors insulated is especially important as cold air sinks and can creep underneath. You should also prep the outside of your house by covering exposed pipes and keeping sensitive plants protected.
While you stay prepped at home you should also have plenty of winter gear on the road. Be prepared for all scenarios while driving in the winter, and keep lots of extra supplies. Extra coats and blankets, food and water, batteries, chargers, and first aid items are all good to have on hand. You should also keep your tank full as often as possible during the colder seasons.
Above all, you should always know the forecast to best stay prepared in the wintertime. Forecasts become more accurate hour by hour, so be sure to tune in to updated temperatures and snow totals as often as possible. Winter in Mid-MO can bring dangerous cold and heavy amounts of snow so these tips are always good to keep in mind here at home.