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Month: July 2024

The Roe family gathered for a Juneteenth celebration over a hundred years ago

Family celebrates 100th family reunion

By Madison Edwards Click here for updates on this story     MINDEN, Louisiana (KTBS) — Over a century ago, the Roe family gathered for a Juneteenth celebration which started a yearly tradition of bringing the family together each year to Minden, La. This weekend they celebrate their 100th family reunion. The Roe’s reunion started in Red

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Israel’s Netanyahu walks political tightrope on Washington trip following Biden’s exit from race

Associated Press JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu left for Washington on Monday, leaving behind a brutal war to make a politically precarious speech before the U.S. Congress at a time of great uncertainty following Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the presidential race. With efforts ongoing to bring about a cease-fire between Israel and

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Qué pasará con las elecciones de EE.UU. y la candidatura demócrata tras el retiro de Biden de la contienda

Paulina Nares (CNN) — El presidente Joe Biden decidió no presentarse a la reelección, tras su desastrosa actuación en el debate del mes pasado y su fracaso desde entonces para convencer a sus copartidarios demócratas de que puede derrotar al expresidente Donald Trump en otoño. Los demócratas tienen ahora un reto sin precedentes, dado que

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Biden’s legacy: Far-reaching accomplishments that didn’t translate into political support

Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — Sitting in the Oval Office behind the iconic Resolute desk in 2022, an animated President Joe Biden described the challenge of leading a psychologically traumatized nation. The United States had endured a life-altering pandemic. There was a jarring burst of inflation and now global conflict with Russia invading Ukraine, as

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Biden’s legacy: Far-reaching accomplishments that didn’t translate into political support

Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — Historians and political advisers say history will be kinder to President Joe Biden than voters have been. David Axelrod, a former senior adviser to President Barack Obama, said Biden’s legacy will include many legislative achievements, but above all, he will be remembered as the president who defeated Donald Trump. Biden

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¿Por qué Biden se retiró como candidato demócrata? Los momentos que dinamitaron su candidatura

CNNEspañol sjv (CNN Español) — El retiro de Joe Biden de la campaña presidencial se produjo después semanas de preocupación sobre la resistencia física y las capacidades mentales del presidente de 81 años y de escepticismo sobre su habilidad para hacer campaña eficazmente contra el expresidente Donald Trump, así como las inquietudes sobre si podría

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Democrats hail Biden’s decision to not seek reelection as selfless. Republicans urge him to resign

Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — Democratic lawmakers are hailing President Joe Biden’s historic decision not to seek reelection as putting his country and his party before himself. Republicans are calling on him to resign his presidency as well. They say if he couldn’t run for office, then he’s unable to serve as president. Attention is

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Harris could become the first female president after years of breaking racial and gender barriers

Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — She’s already broken barriers, and now Kamala Harris could soon become the first Black woman and the first person of South Asian descent to head a major party’s presidential ticket after President Joe Biden’s ended his reelection bid. The 59-year-old Harris was endorsed by Biden on Sunday after he stepped

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