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Month: July 2024

Strife-torn Myanmar marks 77th anniversary of the assassination of independence hero Gen. Aung San

BANGKOK (AP) — Myanmar’s military government has held a wreath-laying ceremony in the country’s largest city to mark the 77th anniversary of the assassination of the country’s fallen independence heroes, including Gen. Aung San, the father of the country’s ousted leader, Aung San Suu Kyi. Neither Suu Kyi, who is imprisoned, nor Senior Gen. Min

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South Korean FA files complaint to FIFA after Como player’s alleged racist remark sparks outrage

Associated Press SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — The Korean Football Association has filed a complaint with FIFA over an alleged racist remark toward Wolverhampton’s Hwang Hee-chan during a recent preseason match against an Italian team in Spain and urged for stronger anti-racism measures. The incident involved an alleged anti-Asian comment from a Como player and

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Al equipo de Trump no se le advirtió sobre los informes de que había una persona sospechosa antes del tiroteo en el mitin, dicen fuentes

Belén Liotti (CNN) — Cuando el expresidente Donald Trump subió al escenario en el mitin del fin de semana pasado en Pensilvania entre ovaciones atronadoras, los miembros de la campaña presentes esperaban escuchar un discurso típico. Lo que no sabían: los agentes del orden público habían detectado a una persona sospechosa en la manifestación casi

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5 things to know for July 19: Republican convention, Cyber outages, Ukraine aid, Olympics security, Climate protests

By Alexandra Banner, CNN (CNN) — Over the years, some coffee chains have shifted their sit-down business models to prioritize speed. Take a look back at the beloved Starbucks era when baristas would handwrite customers’ names on their drink orders as smooth jazz music played in the background. Here’s what else you need to know

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Republicans emerge from their convention thrilled with Trump and talking about a blowout victory

Associated Press MILWAUKEE (AP) — The last time Republicans gathered for a full convention, they were plagued by internal division and fear. Morale was near rock bottom. And the party’s presidential nominee showed little desire, or capacity, to add new voters to his political coalition. What a difference eight years make. The Republican officials, strategists

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Japanese and Taiwanese coast guards hold joint search and rescue drill off Japan’s eastern coast

Associated Press TOKYO (AP) — Japanese and Taiwanese coast guards have conducted what is believed to be their first joint drill off Japan’s eastern coast, officials said Friday, a move seen as an effort to expand maritime cooperation amid concern about China’s increasingly assertive activity in regional seas. Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi Friday

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Nigeria more than doubles the minimum wage for government workers after strikes and negotiations

Associated Press ABUJA, Nigeria (AP) — Public sector workers in Nigeria on the minimum wage will see their salaries double after the government reached an agreement on Thursday with labor unions that have been threatening further strikes as the cost of living spirals. The unions were threatening further strikes because of a cost-of-living crisis that

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ANÁLISIS | La historia de dos presidentes: Trump se proclama vencedor y las esperanzas de Biden comienzan a desvanecerse

Melissa Velásquez Loaiza (CNN) — Miles de simpatizantes coreaban “lucha, lucha, lucha” y agitaban los puños este jueves por la noche mientras Donald Trump se regodeaba en el amor del nuevo Partido Republicano que él construyó y que lo aclama como un superhéroe tocado por Dios. A estados de distancia, Joe Biden se sentaba aislado

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