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Month: July 2024

La aplastante victoria laborista es un triunfo personal para Keir Starmer que antes parecía imposible

Alexandra Ferguson Londres (CNN) — La victoria prevista del Partido Laborista en las elecciones generales del Reino Unido marca un momento histórico en la política británica moderna y un enorme triunfo personal para Keir Starmer, el líder laborista que se convertirá en el próximo primer ministro del país. La encuesta de salida realizada por la

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World Aquatics confirms US government has opened criminal investigation into doping case involving Chinese swimmers

By Homero de la Fuente, CNN (CNN) — Swimming’s international governing body says its executive director Brent Nowicki has been ordered to testify in a US criminal investigation into a case involving 23 Chinese swimmers who failed doping tests in 2021 but were allowed to continue competing and won medals in the Tokyo Olympics. In a

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Kylian Mbappé califica de “catastrófica” la primera vuelta de las elecciones en Francia tras el giro del país hacia la extrema derecha

Belén Liotti (CNN) — La estrella del fútbol Kylian Mbappé calificó de “catastrófica” la primera vuelta de las elecciones de Francia después de que los resultados del domingo pasado vieran al país tambalearse hacia la extrema derecha ya que el partido antiinmigración Agrupación Nacional (RN) lideró el primer lugar. El capitán de la selección nacional

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Labour’s landslide victory is a personal triumph for Keir Starmer that once seemed impossible

By Luke McGee, CNN London (CNN) — The Labour Party’s resounding victory in the UK general election marks a historic moment in modern British political history and a huge personal triumph for Keir Starmer, the Labour leader who will become the country’s next prime minister. Starmer’s victory, with a three-figure majority in parliament, is all

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Tiroteo en un hotel del Parque Nacional de Yellowstone deja un funcionario herido y un atacante muerto

Alexandra Ferguson (CNN) — Un tiroteo en el Parque Nacional de Yellowstone terminó con un guardabosques herido y el atacante muerto, según el Servicio Nacional de Parques. “No hay amenazas activas para el público”, dijo un portavoz del servicio de parques en un comunicado a CNN después de “un incidente significativo de aplicación de la

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Peru’s Congress approves statute of limitations for crimes against humanity committed before 2002

Associated Press LIMA, Peru (AP) — The Peruvian Congress has approved a law establishing a statute of limitations for crimes against humanity committed before 2002, a decision that human rights organizations have warned could encourage impunity and thwart investigations into serious abuses. It could also benefit figures including former president Alberto Fujimori and retired military

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California’s Gavin Newsom touts his support for President Joe Biden and sidesteps replacement talk

Associated Press SOUTH HAVEN, Mich. (AP) — California Gov. Gavin Newsom has offered a forceful defense of embattled President Joe Biden. The governor told Democrats at an Independence Day picnic in Michigan Thursday that the 81-year-old president has the record and energy to win a second term despite widespread doubts about his ability to govern

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Brazilian police indict ex-President Bolsonaro in undeclared diamonds case, sources say

Associated Press SAO PAULO (AP) — Brazil’s Federal Police have indicted former President Jair Bolsonaro for money laundering and criminal association in connection with undeclared diamonds the far-right leader received from Saudi Arabia during his time in office, according to a source with knowledge of the accusations. A second source confirmed the indictment, although not

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El Partido Laborista pondrá fin a 14 años de gobierno conservador en las elecciones generales del Reino Unido, según proyecta encuesta de salida

Valeria Ordóñez Ghio (CNN) — El Partido Laborista de centroizquierda ganará las elecciones generales británicas de manera aplastante, según una importante encuesta de boca de urna, poniendo fin de manera decisiva a un periodo de 14 años de gobierno conservador y poniendo a su líder Keir Starmer en camino de convertirse en primer ministro en

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