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Month: July 2024

How the world’s tech crashed all at once

Analysis by Sean Lyngaas, CNN (CNN) — When computers and tech systems around the world went down Friday, snarling airports, closing Social Security offices and limiting jail operations, many people had one question: How on earth could this happen in 2024? A software update from a single cybersecurity company, US-based CrowdStrike, was the root cause

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López Obrador enviará una carta a su “amigo” Trump para rebatirle argumentos sobre migración e integración económica

Valeria Ordóñez Ghio (CNN Español) — El presidente de México, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, anunció este viernes que la semana próxima le escribirá al candidato presidencial republicano Donald Trump para exponer sus argumentos sobre inmigración. “Le voy a enviar una carta, lo anuncio, a mi amigo Donald Trump, porque pienso que no le están informando bien

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Maryland announces civil lawsuit in case involving demands of sex for rent

Associated Press ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — Maryland’s attorney general has filed a civil lawsuit against an Eastern Shore landlord and his company, alleging a pattern of gender-based housing discrimination and sexual harassment that involved demands for sex in exchange for rent. Maryland Attorney General Anthony Brown said Friday the lawsuit was filed in Wicomico County

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Barco de migrantes se incendia frente a la costa de Haití; al menos 40 personas murieron, dice ONG

Valeria Ordóñez Ghio (CNN) — Al menos 40 personas murieron después de que la embarcación en la que viajaban se incendiara frente a las costas de Haití a principios de esta semana, informó este viernes la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM), citando a autoridades locales. El barco salió de Haití el miércoles con más

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Tennessee will remove HIV-positive people convicted of sex work from violent sex offender list

Associated Press NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — HIV-positive people who were convicted in Tennessee of sex work under a decades-old aggravated prostitution law will no longer be required to face a lifetime registration as a “violent sex offender” under a lawsuit settlement finalized this week. Last year, LGBTQ+ and civil rights advocates filed a federal lawsuit

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