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Month: July 2024

ANÁLISIS | Lo que dice y no dice la película “Hillbilly, una elegía rural” de las ideas políticas de J. D. Vance

Gonzalo Jimenez (CNN Español) — Fiel adaptación de “Hillbilly Elegy”, el libro de memorias publicado en 2016, la película estrenada en Netflix en 2020 y distribuida en español como “Hillbilly, una elegía rural”, reconstruye la infancia y temprana vida adulta del senador de Ohio James Dean Vance, candidato a la vicepresidencia por el Partido Republicano

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¿Por qué el 20 de julio se celebra el Día del Amigo? La historia que une a un argentino con la llegada del hombre a la Luna

Joaquin Doria (CNN Español) — Como cada 20 de julio, los habitantes de Argentina y otros países de la región se encuentran con sus seres queridos para celebrar el Día del Amigo. Aunque muchos aprovechan la ocasión para reunirse y compartir un buen momento, no todos conocen la curiosa historia detrás de esta fecha. Lo

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How the world’s tech crashed all at once

CNN Analysis by Sean Lyngaas, CNN (CNN) — When computers and tech systems around the world went down Friday, snarling airports, closing Social Security offices and limiting jail operations, many people had one question: How on earth could this happen in 2024? A software update from a single cybersecurity company, US-based CrowdStrike, was the root

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A French alleged neo-Nazi sympathizer, suspected of targeting Olympic torch, sentenced to 2 years

PARIS (AP) — French authorities say a French alleged neo-Nazi sympathizer was sentenced to two years in prison after making threats online and was suspected of wanting to target the Olympic torch relay. The Paris public prosecutor’s office said in a statement Saturday the 19-year-old man was convicted after a swift trial overnight Friday on

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Ukrainian former lawmaker killed in suspected assassination as civilians die in Russian airstrikes

Associated Pres KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — A Ukrainian former lawmaker best known for her crusade to promote the Ukrainian language has died after being shot in the street by an unknown assailant. Ukrainian officials said an investigation was ongoing, and that the attack was being treated as an assassination. Sixty-year-old Iryna Farion initially survived the

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