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Month: June 2024

New trial date set for man accused of stabbing author Salman Rushdie

By Nicki Brown, CNN (CNN) — The trial of Hadi Matar, the man accused of stabbing author Salman Rushdie, is scheduled to begin on September 9, according to the prosecutor’s office and Matar’s defense attorney. In August 2022, Rushdie was stabbed several times onstage shortly before he was due to deliver a lecture at the Chautauqua Institution in New

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Baltimore woman facing over 100 charges stemming from sex trafficking ring

By Khiree Stewart Click here for updates on this story     PIKESVILLE, Maryland (WBAL) — A statewide sex trafficking ring investigation busted a Baltimore woman accused of running it and now faces more than 100 charges. Investigators said she forced multiple vulnerable women into prostitution at multiple hotels across the state. The Maryland Attorney General’s Office

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House passes proposal sanctioning top war-crimes court after it sought Netanyahu arrest warrant

By FARNOUSH AMIRI Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — The House passed legislation Tuesday that would sanction the International Criminal Court for requesting arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli officials. The 247-155 vote amounts to Congress’ first legislative rebuke of the war crimes court since its stunning decision last month to

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Columbia University settles with Jewish student who sued over hostile environment on campus

By Ramishah Maruf, CNN New York (CNN) — Columbia University has settled with a Jewish student who sued in late April, claiming the Ivy League university failed to provide a safe environment. It’s one of the first such settlements reached as the university faces lawsuits and investigations from Jewish, Palestinian, Arab and pro-Palestinian students for

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Las fuerzas israelíes lanzan un nuevo ataque terrestre y aéreo en el centro de Gaza; al menos 6 palestinos muertos

Luis Ernesto Quintana Barney (CNN) — El ejército israelí lanzó el martes un nuevo ataque terrestre y aéreo en el centro de Gaza, mientras sus fuerzas intensifican los ataques en medio de una crisis humanitaria cada vez más profunda. Las FDI afirmaron el martes por la tarde, hora local, que aviones de combate atacaron objetivos

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