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Month: June 2024

Judge dismisses Native American challenge to $10B SunZia energy transmission project in Arizona

By SUSAN MONTOYA BRYAN Associated Press A U.S. district judge has dismissed claims by Native American tribes and environmentalists who sought to halt construction along part of a $10 billion energy transmission line. Judge Jennifer Zipps says in her ruling Thursday that plaintiffs were years late in bringing their challenge. It follows an earlier decision

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Takeaways from Day 4 of Hunter Biden’s gun trial as brother’s widow testifies

By Marshall Cohen and Holmes Lybrand, CNN Wilmington, Delaware (CNN) — The prosecution’s most important witness against Hunter Biden, his sister-in-law-turned-girlfriend Hallie Biden, testified Thursday that she believed he was using drugs when she saw him in October 2018, the month he claimed on a federal background check that he was clean. Jurors sat forward in

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Ancient artifacts brought to Seattle decades ago returned to Mexico, Homeland Security officials say

By Kaila Nichols, CNN (CNN) — A trove of ancient Mexican artifacts brought to Seattle decades ago is finally going home. In January 2022, Homeland Security Investigations received a tip that a Seattle resident was in possession of 36 ancient artifacts originating from Chiapas, Mexico, a spokesperson for the agency’s Seattle office told CNN. The resident,

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Un edulcorante común bajo en calorías está vinculado al infarto de miocardio y apoplejías, según un estudio

Alexandra Ferguson (CNN) — Un edulcorante bajo en calorías llamado xilitol, utilizado en muchos alimentos y productos de consumo con bajo contenido en azúcar, como chicles y dentífricos, puede estar relacionado con un riesgo casi dos veces mayor de infarto de miocardio, apoplejía y muerte en las personas que consumen los niveles más altos del

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Nearly 50 years after her death, Uruguay lays to rest a woman disappeared by its dictatorship

By MATILDE CAMPODONICO Associated Press MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay (AP) — Nearly five decades after Uruguayan security forces seized Amelia Sanjurjo from the street, disappearing the newly pregnant woman into the maw of the military’s prison system, she received a proper burial in her hometown of Montevideo. The bone fragments of Sanjurjo were exhumed exactly a year

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Golden Corral in Columbia reopens

COLUMBIA, Mo. (KMIZ) The Golden Corral on Clark Lane in Columbia reopened on Thursday. According to previous reporting, the restaurant caught fire at 10 p.m. Dec. 31, 2022. Columbia fire crews had the fire under control within 40 minutes, the report states. Around $250,000 in damage was reported. No one was in the building at

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El presidente Petro niega que llevará a la ONU el tema de una convocatoria a una Asamblea Constituyente en Colombia

Belén Liotti (CNN Español) — En medio de la controversia política en Colombia por la posibilidad de una convocatoria a una Asamblea Constituyente por parte del Gobierno de Gustavo Petro —esto por la interpretación de un párrafo del acuerdo de paz firmado con las FARC en 2016—, el mandatario negó este jueves a través de

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