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Month: June 2024

Philippine troops kill 10 communist rebels in a clash, in the latest blow to decades-long insurgency

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Philippine troops have killed at least 10 suspected communist guerrillas in a clash in a remote northern area, in the latest blow to a decades-old insurgency that has weakened considerably. Officials say troops encountered about 20 New People’s Army guerrillas on Wednesday, sparking a firefight that killed 10 rebels, including three

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La actuación de Biden en el debate hace saltar las alarmas entre los demócratas

Melissa Velásquez Loaiza Washington (CNN) — La actuación del presidente Joe Biden en el debate hizo saltar las alarmas entre los principales demócratas, haciendo que algunos se cuestionen abiertamente si Biden puede mantenerse al frente de la candidatura demócrata. “Parecía un poco desorientado. Se hizo más fuerte a medida que avanzaba el debate. Pero para

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As political fervor for New Zealand’s Māori resurgence wanes, a new Indigenous holiday comes of age

Associated Press WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — When New Zealand established a national day for Matariki, the Māori new year, in 2022, making it the country’s first Indigenous public holiday, many New Zealanders didn’t know what it was. Now in its third year as a nationwide celebration, Matariki is registering a surge in popularity, even

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