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Month: June 2024

Diplomáticos extranjeros reaccionan con horror ante el pésimo desempeño del debate de Biden

Julia Hernández (CNN) — La pésima actuación del presidente Joe Biden en el debate presidencial de CNN contra el expresidente Donald Trump resonó en todo el mundo. Diplomáticos extranjeros expresaron conmoción y preocupación, al tiempo que planteaban preguntas sobre las implicaciones de unas elecciones estadounidenses de gran trascendencia que podrían poner patas arriba el statu

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Marte recibe cada año cientos de rocas espaciales del tamaño de una pelota de baloncesto

Julia Hernández (CNN) — Cientos de rocas espaciales del tamaño de una pelota de baloncesto chocan contra Marte cada año, dejan tras de sí cráteres de impacto y provocan estruendos en todo el planeta rojo, según una nueva investigación. Los planificadores de misiones podrían utilizar estas revelaciones, registradas en los datos recogidos por una misión

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Oral dissents are back in vogue at the Supreme Court as liberals lament latest rulings

By Joan Biskupic, CNN Senior Supreme Court Analyst (CNN) — As the conservative Supreme Court majority has won case after case in recent days, liberal dissenters are having their moment in the courtroom. Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and Ketanji Brown Jackson each took the rare step of reading provocative dissenting statements this past week. The ritual from the elevated

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10 Ukrainians held prisoner for years in Russia return home after Vatican mediation

Associated Press KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ten Ukrainians held prisoner for years by Russia have been released with the Vatican’s mediation. They arrived home overnight. Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced the release on Friday. Some of the civilians had been captured before Russia’s full-scale invasion. Two Ukrainian Greek Catholic priests were also among those freed.

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Russia presses its offensive in Ukraine and issues new threats as the West tries to blunt the push

Slowly but steadily this summer, Russian troops are forging through Ukraine’s outgunned and undermanned defenses in a relentless onslaught, prompting the West to push for new weapons and strategies to shore up Kyiv. That, in turn, has brought new threats by President Vladimir Putin to retaliate against the West — either directly or indirectly. The

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