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Month: June 2024

ANÁLISIS | Los mordaces ataques de Biden a Trump podrían revelar las dificultades de su propia campaña

Melissa Velásquez Loaiza (CNN) — Joe Biden lo está lanzando todo contra Donald Trump. El presidente y su campaña están atacando al posible candidato republicano como un criminal y un racista que fue declarado responsable de agresión sexual y que ahora se está volviendo tan “loco” por su derrota en 2020 que ha quedado “desquiciado”.

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Pakistan police register a case against a mob that killed a man suspected of desecrating the Quran

PESHAWAR, Pakistan (AP) — Police in northwestern Pakistan have registered a case against hundreds of people who attacked a police station and killed a man being questioned there on suspicion of desecrating the Quran, Islam’s holy book. A police official said Friday that officers are trying to identify the people who attacked and burned the

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Cybersecurity firm Kaspersky denies it’s a hazard after the US Commerce Dept bans its software

By The Associated Press The cybersecurity firm Kaspersky has denied it is a security threat after the U.S. Commerce Department banned the use of its software in the United States. The Moscow-based company, whose CEO is Russian, said in a statement that the Commerce Department’s decision, announced Thursday, would not affect its ability to sell

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Trump dice que quiere que los extranjeros que se gradúen en universidades de EE.UU. reciban ‘automáticamente’ la “green card”

Julia Hernández (CNN) — El expresidente Donald Trump propuso conceder “automáticamente” la tarjeta de residencia a los extranjeros que se gradúen en una universidad estadounidense, unos comentarios que rompen con sus esfuerzos por frenar la inmigración tanto legal como ilegal durante su mandato y que contrastan fuertemente con su incendiaria retórica antiinmigración durante la campaña

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Japan’s space agency was hit by multiple cyberattacks, but officials say no sensitive data was taken

By MARI YAMAGUCHI Associated Press TOKYO (AP) — Officials say Japan’s space agency has suffered a series of cyberattacks since last year, but sensitive information related to rockets and satellites was not affected and it is continuing to investigate and take preventive measures. Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi acknowledged Friday that the Japan Aerospace Exploration

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Ucrania lanza un ataque “masivo” con drones contra el sur de la región rusa de Krasnodar y la Crimea ocupada – oficiales rusos

Julia Hernández (CNN) — Rusia dijo que Ucrania lanzó un ataque “masivo con drones” sobre su región meridional de Krasnodar y la Crimea ocupada por Rusia durante la madrugada de este viernes, y mató al menos a una persona, según funcionarios rusos. Los sistemas de defensa antiaérea de Rusia interceptaron y destruyeron 43 drones sobre

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Putin dice que el envío de armas a Ucrania por Corea del Sur sería un “gran error”, mientras Seúl critica el pacto de defensa entre Rusia y Corea del Norte

Julia Hernández (CNN) — El presidente de Rusia, Vladimir Putin, afirmó este jueves que Corea del Sur cometería “un error muy grande” si decide suministrar armas a Ucrania, un día después de firmar un pacto de defensa mutua con su colega autócrata y líder norcoreano, Kim Jong Un. También afirmó que Seúl no tiene “nada

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New Jersey school yearbook photo of Jewish group swapped with Muslim students was a ‘highly unfortunate error,’ probe finds

By Sara Smart, CNN (CNN) — An independent investigation launched after seniors at a New Jersey high school received yearbooks with a Jewish Student Union photo that had been replaced by a photo of Muslim students has determined the incident was an unfortunate error with no ill intent. The swapped photo appeared in East Brunswick High School’s 2024 yearbook

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An ex-gun lobbyist is revising New Zealand’s gun laws, tightened after the 2019 mosque attack

By CHARLOTTE GRAHAM-McLAY Associated Press WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A New Zealand lawmaker says the government will overhaul the gun laws tightened after the mass shooting by a white supremacist five years ago. Associate Justice Minister Nicole McKee told The Associated Press in an interview this week that the tighter gun laws put excessive

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