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Month: May 2024

The UN nuclear watchdog chief travels to Iran as its monitoring remains hampered

By JON GAMBRELL Associated Press JERUSALEM (AP) — The head of the United Nations’ atomic watchdog has traveled to Iran where his agency faces increasing difficulty in monitoring the Islamic Republic’s rapidly advancing nuclear program. Rafael Mariano Grossi already has warned Tehran has enough uranium enriched to near-weapons-grade levels to make “several” nuclear bombs if

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How a 20-year-old Englishman fueled Real Madrid’s record-extending La Liga title and became one of the world’s best players

By Issy Ronald, CNN (CNN) — Jude Bellingham celebrated winning his first ever La Liga title with his mother, posting a picture on Instagram of the two hugging with the legendary Santiago Bernabéu Stadium stretching out behind them. Such an unassuming image is befitting of how the 20-year-old presents himself to the world, how he

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Russia warns Britain and plans nuclear drills over the West’s possible deepening role in Ukraine

By The Associated Press Russia on Monday threatened to strike British military facilities and said it would hold drills simulating the use of battlefield nuclear weapons amid sharply rising tensions over comments by senior Western officials about possibly deeper involvement in the war in Ukraine. After summoning the British ambassador to the Foreign Ministry, Moscow

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The Latest | Israel launches strikes in Rafah, hours after Hamas agrees to a Gaza cease-fire

By The Associated Press Israel’s military says it is conducting “targeted strikes” against Hamas in the southern Gaza city of Rafah. The country’s War Cabinet approved a military operation there late Monday. Israel says Rafah is Hamas’ last stronghold. However, the United States opposes a full-scale invasion of Rafah unless Israel provides a “credible” plan

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OPINIÓN | En qué se diferencia el sufrimiento en Gaza de otros conflictos

Sofía Barruti Nota del editor: Arwa Damon, galardonada excorresponsal internacional de CNN, es presidenta y cofundadora de la organización sin ánimo de lucro International Network for Aid, Relief and Assistance (INARA). Las opiniones expresadas en este comentario son suyas. Lea más opiniones en CNN. Nota: Este artículo incluye descripciones de perturbadores impactos de la violencia.

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Tom Brady es objeto de burlas por parte de Rob Gronkowski, Kim Kardashian y más en “The Greatest Roast of All Time” de Netflix.

Sofía Barruti (CNN) — Tom Brady fue objeto de numerosos ataques por parte de sus excompañeros de equipo, comediantes e incluso Kim Kardashian durante el “The Greatest Roast of All Time” de Netflix este domingo. El especial “GROAT” fue presentado por Kevin Hart y transmitido en vivo en Netflix. El exmariscal de campo de la

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