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Month: May 2024

Turkey says it has carried out new airstrikes against Kurdish militants in northern Iraq

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — Turkey’s defense ministry says the country has carried out a new round of airstrikes targeting Kurdish militants in neighboring Iraq. The ministry says warplanes struck suspected positions of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, in Iraq’s semi-autonomous Kurdish region and reportedly killed 16 militants, including some commanders. There is no immediate

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Milwaukee election leader ousted 6 months before election in presidential swing state

By SCOTT BAUER Associated Press MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Milwaukee’s election leader has been ousted by the mayor in a surprise move that comes just six months before Wisconsin’s largest city will be in the spotlight in the presidential swing state. Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson announced Monday that he would be replacing Milwaukee Election Commission

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Un avión militar chino lanza bengalas al “interceptar” un helicóptero de la Marina australiana

Julia Hernández (CNN) — Un avión militar chino “interceptó” un helicóptero de la Marina australiana el 4 de mayo. Desde el avión se dispararon bengalas en la trayectoria de vuelo del helicóptero, según informó el lunes el ministro de Defensa australiano, Richard Marles. En un comunicado, Marles dijo que el caza chino detonó las bengalas

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‘Innocent people are dying:’ Loved ones hold balloon release after man dies in reckless crash on Milwaukee’s north side

By Ellie Nakamoto-White Click here for updates on this story     MILWAUKEE (WDJT) — Amid pieces of shattered glass, white candles sit on the sidewalk near 27th and Locust on Milwaukee’s north side. On the grassy hill above are several pieces of posterboard with writing spelling out “Forever in our Heart.” And taped onto a nearby

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